Monday, April 4, 2011

Our Family Portrait

How does a photograph give enough information and feeling to make it a portrait of a group of people and their relationship? The following photographs show the artists interpretation of the "family portrait". With each piece you feel a different distance between the photographer, the viewer and the relationship being photographed. Together these pieces give a feeling of home and family but distance as well. With each photograph the relationship are different yet the relationship between the photographer and the photograhed speaks loudly. The confirtational stare between the two parties is a reocurring theme, both physically and theoretically. Neeta Madahar confronts the viewer with a hyper real velvet print of birds, the beautiful image talks about the struggle her family has made and the migration similarties between her identiy and the birds. Tiny Barney although has the viewer face to face with her family, the father is confronting the viewer with large open eyes taking up more than half the frame.

Neeta Madaher
Sustence #104

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